CAH holds contacts with student organisations across the world, some of which partake in a lively exchange. Thus every year students from the Baltic area will come to Kiel during Kieler Woche, e.g. from Sweden, Estonia, Poland, Russia and Finland, to spend a week with the residents of CAH, to explore the “Kiellinie”, the town of Laboe or Haithabu, or to go sailing (Of course this also involves a lot of feasting and celebrating).
This meeting at CAH is organised by the inhabitants of the residence. For questions and invitations, please contact
Visit to Uppsala
A full course dinner with international students at Norrland Nations, Uppsala, Sweden a day before Vårbal (Spring Ball). CAH resident third from left.
A photo shoot on the day of Vårbal with international students (CAH resident second from right).
As every year in May, also in 2006 two residents of CAH had been invited to celebrate the Spring Ball at Norrlands Nation in Uppsala, Sweden.
Here are a few impressions:
Visit to Helsinki in October 2013
(CAH residents first and second from right)
The following are involved:
Universität Kaliningrad